Friday, July 31, 2009


I just think some our Trinidad's orators are ingenious.

Recently I had the chance to view the new video of a song done by Rapso artiste Ozzy Magic and I thought, 'Now what a clever man!'. What I meant is, why didn't I see the association between the word 'shag' which is British slang for casual sex and one of the popular lovers cove on the south-western coast of Trinidad, Chaguaramas? Chaguaramas was once used as an American army base in the second World War and I have heard many stories, and songs, of the island girls and military men who exchanged passion on its beaches, and who have left a legacy of light coloured babies and the lure of sweet sex within its woody valleys.

Ozzy's song reminds me of the many reasons language is colourful and rich here in the Caribbean.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Making good on a promise

I can't believe the last time I wrote here was in January. It seems like such a long time ago and yet, I didn't see the time go by.

Perhaps journaling has gotten me thus far without wanting to combust from pent up thoughts and frustrations.

Since that time, I've continued a hard lesson in life so much so that now I consider myself only a fresher in the school of life. But it's not all bruised knees, I have found that writing keeps me going, puts things in perspective.

So hopefully this will be the first installment of many to come.